Ithalomso Waste Management Transportation Services

We guarantee to bring solutions to your waste

Our fleet department ensures safe and compliant movement of the client’s waste.


Through the rapid increase in the waste volumes produced by companies, Ithalomso guarantees to bring solutions to your waste. We ensure collection of waste from the client’s premises where it is produced and manage it until it reaches the offsite facility, which can include recycling facilities, disposal sites, or waste management facilities.

Our fleet department ensures safe and compliant movement of the client’s waste. The types of waste that we collect, and transport are General waste, Hazardous waste, and Health Care waste. We drive the notion of cradle to grave while complying with the laws and regulations that govern us. With that said, our clients can track their waste as we produce Safe Disposal Certificates after disposing of it. For any waste that is recycled, we produce recyclable material data of volumes produced.

On a high end, we rent out a Compactor truck to private businesses and contractors. Our service includes hiring out of a Compactor truck at your convenience.

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